Friday, July 11, 2008

I'm Still Here...

I know that many of you are quite perturbed by my delenquincy in updating the blog. Let me take a moment to asure you that I am fine and that things are happening in my life. When I do have the time to sit down and figure out how to load pictures here... you will see them. Until then, I will continue to be the front runner in the "Most Boring and Plain Blog" Catagory. As I stated in my very first post, I will likely have higher aspiration for this blog than the blog will actually ever see. If someone out there has plenty of time on your hands and you wish to handle this for me... sorry it's my blog and the instructions told me that I can put on it whatever I would like. I assume that means that I can leave off whatever I would like as well.
Now that I have filled enough space to make the blog look updated I will go and sit back and wait for another respite in my life so that I can once again communicate to all three of you who even know that I have a blog. (Who told me that it was a great way to meet long lost friends? Did we ever think that some of those people may be long lost for a reason???)


Julie Schultz said...

Adding pictures isn't very hard. I can show you if you want.

Leonard and Krista said...

Sure. Thanks, Leonard

Kim M. said...

Hey I am really offended at the "long lost friend comment". Of course I am kidding. Glad I found your blog1 :-) Visit mine when you have time ;-)

Liz said...

I found you!

Lisa Messner said...

Your blog cracks me up! Can't wait to see those pictures!