Monday, March 22, 2010

Facebook has nearly killed the Blogger in me.

It was not by choice, nor was it by utter neglect, but my blog has suffered majorly. I thought for sure that I would be able to keep up with all of life and Blogging. Then came the invitation to get involved with Facebook. That is like being able to see brief snapshots of whats going on in life.

Here's my quandary.

I thought that Facebook would be quicker and thus allow me more time for the "important" things in life. But now that I'm on Facebook, I don't know if that is the case.

If you do both, let me know what you think.

I am still here and I do still review some of your sites occasionally.


Holly said...

Facebook almost got me, too. Stand firm, Brother! Seriously, I'm just hiding more and more people so that I don't go through as much stuff that I don't care about.

Stacie said...

I am with Holly, with blogging you can keep things as private as you want but I have noticed with facebook that even if I say a picture is private it still can be copied and put on others facebook pages which bugs me because then anyone can see them. I am about finished with facebook but I do love my blog :)